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Auntie Up! 

Why aunties are an integral part of Indigenous culture.

Aunties are a part of all family structures but they have a significant meaning within the Indigenous culture and it's important to understand the difference.  Perhaps one of the most significant differences is that you do not have to be blood-related.  This woman can be a close family friend or a respected figure in your community; she is a beloved, trusted adult. She is an extension of your mom  - an honoured position that crosses boundaries.


She can be blunt, straightforward, the holder of secrets and your favourite teacher. To the latter, she will help you with your homework - not do it for you.  They are courageous women who inspire and support you to up your game, often unapologetically and shamelessly, Aunties have the innate ability to give you that look that cuts deep and screams, "I can see through you, so smarten up!" She speaks the truth without sugar-coating it..  Conversely, she is not afraid to raise you up when you are down or to give space when needed - all the while sharing her support and understanding through all kinds of trials and tribulations.​ Aunties are on-call, approachable, practical and fun.

Receiving first Treaty Payment of $185 in 2023.jpg

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PO Box 90114
RPO Madigan Plaza

Calgary, AB  T2A 7Y8

Hours MST

Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm MST

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